Since I haven't gotten around to making any raw soups yet, I thought I'd go in search of a video recipe, and I found a good one. Garden Vegetable Soup, by Jennifer Cornbleet. It looks and sounds delicious. I actually have enough of the ingredients to try one myself tomorrow. They are not so different than a green smoothie, except in the seasonings. Jennifer talks about the 6 basic components of a raw soup in the video, I love the way she breaks it down so simply, it gives me a much better foundation to work from when I create my own. I'm really good at creating delicious cooked soups, but raw soups seemed a bit daunting. Not any more 🙂
So here's a rough transcript of the video, which is further down the page:
Garden Vegetable Soups are a great way to get more greens and vegetables in your diet. Lots of great soup recipes in her book, [ad#raw-food-made-easy-for-1-or-2-people-book-link].
There's 6 basic components that go into any great tasting blended raw vegetable soup
- Some kind of watery vegetables and/or greens. For example tomato, zucchini, celery, spinach, red bell pepper, Romaine lettuce, chard, kale. Try not to mix together too much red and green or the color won't be so great. One tomato in an otherwise green soup will be fine, but try to keep it either mostly red or green.
- Water to thin out the soup a little bit.
- Some kind of citrus juice, lemon, lime or orange to perk up the flavor.
- Salty seasoning. Natural sea salt or miso (fermented soybean paste) gives it a nice deep flavor similar to what you would get from vegetable stock or bouillon.
- Pungent seasonings such as fresh herbs and spices, garlic, onion, a bit of curry powder.
- Some kind of fat to make the soup creamy. You can use avocado, olive oil or soaked nuts and seeds.
Use a blender to get a nice creamy consistency.
Coarsely chop zucchini (no need to peel it because you get a lot of nutrients in the peel), chop celery. Cut a tomato roughly, no need to remove the seeds since it's a blended soup. Add some spinach, Swiss chard or kale. Add basil (pungent herb), use quite a bit so it's both a pungent flavor and another green. Add some water (looks like about 2 cups).
Seasonings: lemon juice, natural sea salt and miso (mellow white miso) – about a tablespoon. Pungent seasonings: crushed garlic, green onions, a little bit of cayenne pepper.
Blend all the ingredients and add the fat (avocado) afterward. Blend until the soup has liquefied.
Cut avocado in half, twist to separate. Scoop half the avocado right into the blender. You can remove the avocado stone by pressing your knife into it just a bit and twisting the avocado while holding the blade of the knife still.
Blend again, just enough to blend the avocado in. If you over-blend avocados it can ruin the flavor and color.
You can serve in a bowl, or put it into a jar with a tight-fitting lid to take with you.
Raw food author and chef Jennifer Cornbleet shows you how to quickly make a delicious raw Garden Vegetable Soup. From her DVD, [ad#raw-food-made-easy-dvd-link].
Cheryl Hindley
Yum mmmmm, thank you, I will be trying this later.☺